Von Donop Inlet

(Pictures yet to come when we have better internets.  Right now just to get a signal, we haul the cell phone halfway up the mast.  Seems to work, but still dreadfully slooow.)

Yup, that’s where we are.  It’s on Cortes Island – two islands east of Campbell River, Vancouver Island (if that helps anyone find us).

So, we left you with us anchoring in the rain, then discovering we had a dead starter battery and alternator.  We’re nicely tucked in to a good, safe spot, and the house bank gives us plenty of power for the lights, fridge, etc so no worries for the short run.  We’ve been letting the solar panels charge the starter battery for the last day and a half and are hoping that it’s getting enough “juice” to try a start tomorrow.

In the mean time, yesterday we hiked (7++miles round trip) through the forest, to Squirrel Cove.  It’s a tiny town on Cortes Island.  One store, a restaurant and a few houses.  It was a desperate trek – we needed wine and beer!!  BUT, the proprietress of the store was also very helpful when I asked her how we might obtain a new alternator.  “You call Campbell River and buy one and my husband is taking the ferry over tomorrow, he’ll pick it up for you and bring it back.  Here’s a phone book…”  Wow!

So when we got back to Charisma (a two hour hike) we called the Campbell River marine diesel shop at around 5:45PM.  They were officially closed but we got what sounded like the owner.  He took our notes and said he would give them to the “parts guy” in the morning.  At about 9:30AM, next day, we got a call (thank goodness for our T-Mobile cell phone) from the parts guy and to make a longer story shorter, we ended up buying (hopefully) a new alternator.  I say hopefully because we won’t know until tomorrow when we hike back into Squirrel Cove and pick it up whether it’s an exact fit and we can make it work.  Cross fingers!

In the mean time we went for a nice five mile hike today.  The sun finally came out and we might have some nice weather again soon.  The last three or four days have been rainy and in fact, there has been a “water-spout” (marine tornado) warning issued for the whole area.  You know it’s bad weather when the seaplanes (i.e. bush pilots) are not flying.  There was some thunder yesterday and some nasty clouds but here’s hoping for SUN!

Anyway, that’s our update.  Hopefully a) the alternator is the right one and b) the starter battery has charged enough via the solar panels to start.

In the mean time the Dana 24, “Heron” that we met back in Melanie Bay has pulled in here this evening.  We rowed over to say, “Hi” and invite them for Charisma’s tomorrow, so at least there’s that!

Stay tuned.