Vicious Oysters and Other Stuff

The oysters are delicious and they don’t move too fast, so we’ve been able to collect them for “cocktail hour” the last two nights, BUT they are vicious!  Both Ann and I now have cuts on our hands and fingers from collecting them.  We’re now using gloves whenever we’re near them.

View from Galley Bay this morning.


So, we moved again today.  All of…get ready…five miles!  We’re now in Tenedos Bay.  It’s just so beautiful here we want to savor all the little nooks.  Tomorrow we’re not going too far either.  Prideaux Harbor where there are lots of little inlets and some more “storied areas” captured by M. Wylie Blanchet in her 1927 adventure.  We’re going to try and anchor in Melanie Cove and hike to several spots mentioned in the book including visiting a wild cherry tree that marks one spot.  I doubt the cherries are ripe, but here’s hoping!

In the mean time, we are currently in Tenedos Bay.  We tucked into a tiny cove, barely big enough to turn around in.  We dropped in 35 feet and backed down until we were little more than 30 feet from the rock wall.  I took the dinghy ashore and tied a stern line to a tree and now we’re “balanced” between our anchor and the tree.  It’s different for us and a little un-nerving.

Stern line to the trees.

Once we were settled in our new spot we had time for a hike, so we dinghied over to a spot where there’s a trail up to a gorgeous lake and Ann was inspired to have a swim!

Clear, crisp - and not too cold - water. How could she resist?

So, we seem to be on the edge of the internets.  Starting tomorrow, we’ll possibly be out of touch for a few days.  Stay tuned to find out!