Is That…Emerald City?

Oh my, we’re not in Kansas anymore. We just got into Vancouver. False Creek to be specific. On the one hand it’s a spectacular spot, right near Granville Market, a huge artisan/market area. On the other hand, we’re back in the “big city”. I mean BIG. But, we’re anchored in the channel, so kinda cool. There’re tour boats, water taxis and more motoring by us. Culture shock after four months in the relative wilderness.
But a huge bonus – we got a visit from Deb and Drew from Black Dog!! We first met them in Mexico and got to know them better during the crossing, especially in Tonga and New Zealand and they live on a small island up here. How cool it was today that they came into town to drive us over to Stanley Park for a wonderful afternoon walking around lovely Stanley Park. The time just flew by and before we knew it the day was over and we reluctantly had to say goodbye.
One bonus that we’ll always be able to remember them by (besides the South Pacific voyage) is they took us to a wonderful First Nations gallery where we found a spectacular carving that we bought as a memory of this trip.

So, I just finished plotting tomorrow’s path. 36 or so miles down and across the Straight of Georgia, through Active Pass (one of the last major passes with large currents stronger that Charisma’s capabilities) at slack tide – 2:30PM and up into Montague Harbor where we’ll meet up with Jim and Karen formerly of Sockdolager and Carol from UK vessel Arnementia, who has flown here from the UK for some PNW cruising. We expect we’ll spend a few days “buddy boating” and then…who knows.
A great way to wind down our final days cruising. We’ll continue to post right until our final day on or about October First, then will go back into this summer’s post on the blog and post pictures of the wonderful places we’ve visited once we’re back in decent internet land.

2 thoughts on “Is That…Emerald City?

  1. Welcome back to the rat maze, or in polite terms, civilization. Very cool that you are meeting friends to help you re-adjust to the metro-world again.

    What is the carving like? And how is Charisma behaving now that she knows she is up for sale?

  2. ok so now what am I supposed to read almost every morning…it’s been a five year habit that is going to be hard to break….looking forward to seeing you when you get back to the SF bay area..

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