Salmon Day!

Oh yeah! Ann and I have been yearning for some fresh fish and today didn’t disappoint us.

We left Roscoe Bay about an hour before high tide. It wasn’t as high a tide as when we came in so we had a couple moments of anxiety when the depth sounder showed 6.8 feet. That would be from the waterline, so about 8 inches or so under the keel. Whew!

Once out into Waddington Channel we set up our fishing line hoping for salmon. We were rewarded! Caught a small salmon, but big enough for dinner for two. Then we proceeded up Waddington Channel. As many of the inlets around here, it’s almost fjord-like. Sheer, vertical cliffs go up 1000 feet on either side. While it was stunning, the pictures don’t do it justice because it was a cloudy, flat day. Oh well. At the end of the channel – about six miles from Roscoe Bay is a little island group called Walsh Cove. We tucked in there for the night. The chart and guidebook showed it as a 30 foot deep cove with mud bottom. Should have been easy anchoring. BUT, it wasn’t! Actually it was more like 70 feet and solid rock. Anyway, after looking around at a couple spots, we settled for a spot where we dropped in 56 feet and backed to the cliff, where I went in on the dinghy and tied a stern line to a tree. After we pulled Charisma up to the cliff and tensioned the anchor chain, we are only about half a boat length from the rocks. Oh well. The water’s clear so we can see the bottom drops out and even though we can almost step off to shore, we still have about 30 feet under the stern. Crazy to be so close!

Once we settled in, I remembered there are supposed to be some First Nation petroglyphs around here, so off in the dinghy to explore. We got lucky and found them! Here they are – you’ll have to decide what they depict (when we have internet to send pictures)

On going back to Charisma, the tide was low enough for some oyster pickin’. On went the gloves (now that I know how damn sharp they are) and we got a dozen for cocktail hour.

Just picked oysters and fresh salmon. Our communion with this spiritual area, surrounded by petroglyphs draw by ancient people who no doubt also respected the spirit that makes this such an amazing place.

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