Strait of Juan de Fuca

That’s Charisma’s new location for a while.  We’re currently in Port Angeles, a modest marina across the Strait from Victoria, Canada.  Charisma’s new adventures will likely include sailing the San Juans, around Vancouver Island, and up the inside passage into Queen Charlotte islands and maybe to Alaska.  In the mean time, here’s a couple pics of the change in scenery from the tropics to here.

It's going to be a different adventure, but this is a beautiful area.

Reefs were one of the bigger hazards in the South Pacific, but up here it's deadheads. No not the fanatical music fans (although there are plenty of them), but the result of logging activity. There are tons of stray logs just waiting to punch a hole in your boat. We saw ones up to 25 feet on the way to the marina.

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