Flying Drawers

Sounds more fun than it is. The tool chest drawers under our cabin table have an annoying habit of flying open and spilling all the socket wrenches and other sundry stuff when we’re in rough weather on port tack. We have had a Rube Goldberg kind of solution with straps and buckles, but it loosens over time and fails anyway.

So…today, with all the other big projects done, I finally tackled this problem and here’s the solution:

I found a piece of plexiglass, drilled out four corners and tapped the steel chest for screws...

...then I glued wing nuts with Loctite onto screws for home-made, easy to open fasteners.

And that’s our excitement for today on this very windy, squally day at the dock. We’re ready to go out to Barrier Island for our shakedown, but this wind won’t ease for another day or so.

2 thoughts on “Flying Drawers

  1. Great idea! We have some drawers and other things that will swing open in bad weather. Glad I found your blog.

  2. Ha ha, those drawers have been flying out of that toolbox since 2007! That looks like a very robust solution to the problem. Miss you guys, good luck on the shakedown.

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