Huevos Rancheros and Then Some (10/29)

Today was a “land” day.  Our last day in Bahia Tortuga at anchor and the annual beach party later in the day.


Started the day with a simple pleasure; a hot cup of coffee on deck watching the sun coming up over the water.  Great to feel the warmth of the day begin to glow while sipping a cup of java.  Good for the soul too, to start a day so gently.

After the morning radio net, we hailed a panga for a ride to town.  Today was a Huevos Rancheros day and it didn’t disappoint.  We walked up to La Palapa where Carlos and Magdalena took care of us.  Ran into Eric and Laura from Berkeley and had breakfast with them.  Since we already had our morning coffee, the other pleasure of Huevos in Baja is that we enjoyed them with our morning bottle (or two) of Pacifico.  Ah, the simple life!!  The Huevos were fantastico, the owners were simpatico and el bano out back was a new experience for Ann (aka The Salty Dog).  She’ll report on her findings below (By the way, my sister is worried that we’re picking on Ann.  Sue, she’s the rookie and of COURSE we’re picking on her and she’s loving every minute).




Meanwhile, after breakfast a walk over to the Mercado for some fresh (?) vegetables for the next leg and then back to the boat for some clean-up before the beach party.  Since we start tomorrow at 0800, it’s best to get everything ready now so when our bleary eyed crew head for the start all we need to do is hoist the sails and not worry whether someone’s underwear is still drying on the jib sheet or something.

The beach party was fun.  It was pot luck, so we brought the rest of our tuna and a small roast we bought in San Diego and the guys bbq’d them over some charcoal on the beach.  Jansen and Geoff quickly become very popular once people realized that we were sharing.  (Not very many boats caught fish on this leg).  Another boat brought oysters that they acquired from one of the panga drivers and shared some oysters bbq’d over “our” coals.  Yum!  The panga drivers are all fishermen most of the time.  One guy who drove us to the party had his filet knife on the seat and fresh fish and calamari he had caught in various stages of preparation in the boat as he drove us to the beach.  Very fun day, then back to the boat and more clean-up.  We’re just chillin’ now∑.Diane and Ann are reading, I just finished plotting the route for our next two days at sea heading to Bahia Santa Maria and the boys are in town partying (I can hear the partiers from the boat if I step out on deck)





OK, here’s Ann’s take on el bano and other important issues at Bahia Tortuga:

“The fake flowers on the back of the toilet were a nice touch to the bano with no door handle – don’t close it too hard or you’ll never get out  – until someone misses you and comes looking.  And being the child of a lightbulb salesman I particularly appreciated the back up light bulb stored on the window sill next to the toilet”

Bob forgot to mention the fabulous hike up and the hill overlooking the bay and the party.  What a sight!

Not yet mentioned here in Bahia Tortuga are our morning visits from our dolphin friends and the ever-entertaining dive bombing pelicans.  They just make me laugh!

I hope you are all enjoying this even 10% as much as we are being here!  Love to all!

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