Ann “Salty Dog” Adams, Watch Captain (10/28)

Ann “Salty Dog” Adams, Watch Captain

Yep, Ann is now baptized into the sailing life.  She drove the boat a good deal of the time yesterday as we were making our way back inshore from about 40 miles out off of Baja.  Spinnaker up, cruising along at 5 knots, with 7 knots apparent wind, Ann was in charge.  As the moon came up later in the evening, she continued channeling her new persona by locking her keen eyes on the horizon and practically channeling Melville himself, when she exclaimed: “I see something over there!  It looks like a blown-out spinnaker”.  Well, I have to tell you, it got my attention that Ann even knew what a blown-out spinnaker was!  Unfortunately for the “Salty Dog”, as we now call her, Diane quickly set her straight; “Ann, that’s the moon rising”.  So the trip continues.

In fact, the moon rising (or blown out spinnaker, if you’re Ann “The Salty Dog” Adams) was just the beginning of a most beautiful night as we headed toward the finish of the first leg.  The stars just surrounded us in all directions down to the horizon and were just stunning in their beauty.  Geoff and Jansen said to add that we were; “escorted by Dolphins, shooting stars and a warm breeze as we make our way past Cedros Island toward Bahia Tortuga”.

Night Scene

We arrived in Bahia Tortuga at 0330 last night.  Always a thrill entering an unfamiliar harbor in the dark.  Very cool to have the radar to help guide us to a good spot to anchor given that there were already dozens of other boats here that we had to avoid in the dark.  Dropped the hook, set it into the sand and hit our bunks with exhaustion.  Back up at 0800 for coffee, and boat clean up, then headed into town for a look around. The community here is very poor by North American standards, but the people are so nice!  We had a delicious lunch at Hotel Veracruz (top of the hill-used to be the whore house, but Diane who’s been here before, wanted me to assure everyone it is now a respectable establishment) and then back to the boat for a much anticipated treat; spending the afternoon in the hammock (in Ann’s case, it was lounging on the spinnaker up on the bowsprit and Diane was laid out on the foredeck reading a book and soaking up the sun). Then we took a sun-shower at around 1600 and cocktails at 1730.  Of course I made our patented drink, “The Charisma”.  One of those and you’ll think everyone loves you. We’re now all very happy.

From the “Command Module” on Charisma

(From the “Command Module” on Charisma, anchored at Bahia Tortuga.  This photo refuses to rotate, so apologies for forcing you to turn your head sideways to view.)

For those following Geoff and Jansen, they spent the day ashore catching up with friends, came back to the boat and made fish tacos from our tuna of yesterday, jumped in the water for a swim and then left for a night of who knows what.  (well maybe not so much of “what” since they both still smell like dead tuna!)

Hanging on Shore

Hanging with Friends

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