Five days and counting…

We’ve leaving for San Diego and then Baja in five days.  Tons of work done and a fair amount still to do, but manageable.  Still need a couple coats of Cetol on the rails, but other than that, we’re about set other than food.  Still some details though, the biggest one is that I decided at the last minute to add a starter battery.  Ordered an “echo charger” which should arrive tomorrow (Monday).  Bought the battery and fabricated a platform out of wood and fiberglassed it in today.  Will check tomorrow and see if it it strong enough.  So, here’s what we’ve gotten done:  Cleaned out all the “liveaboard stuff” and moved it to the storage unit.  Brought 130 jib, asym, dinghy and engine down to the boat.  Been playing in the dinghy all day to AHEM make sure it’s working effectively.  Taped off the rails so I can start final Cetol coats Monday and Tuesday.  Already put two to three coats on everything else.  Rigged two new hatch scoops (to bring air into the hatches in the tropical climes.  Bleached the iceboxes and storage bins to make sure they are clean, bought and working on installing boards to hold 10 gallons of potable water and 10 gallons of diesel on the foredeck for emergency use and about fifty other small but necessary projects that each take up time and energy.  Fun though, knowing that you’re going to be self-sufficient and need to have everything in working order.  Here’s a couple pics of our Baja crew and flag.It’s “HaHa” time     The Motley Crew

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