Waiting The Rain, Heriot Bay

We’ve been at Taku Marina, Heriot Bay, Quadra Island for three days now. Some vicious wind, rain and yesterday, lightning/thunder. Yucko!

The good news is that we reconnected with lovely friends Charles and Sheri from “Danca”, a Ranger Tug 30 that we met up in the Broughtons. They live on this island and got here from their vacation a few days before we arrived on our way back south. Our very good fortune! They were nice enough to drive over, pick us up and we spent an afternoon touring “their” island by car. Such fun! Then time at their incredible home, that they have rebuilt, for cocktails and dinner at Heriot Bay Hotel. Yay! We had such a great time and hope to host them sometime down in California.

Today, the weather was still “stinky”. We decided to stay, since winds were from the ESE, or exactly the direction we need to go. So…we went for a “road hike”. We headed across island to Quathiaski Cove. Turned out to be about five miles and half way it started to rain. Hmmmm. Well, we sat under a big tree for a while, then kept on and finally made it to what is really the only shopping area on the island. A grocery, pharmacy and some misc stores, but importantly for us a really excellent cafe named Kameleon. And a great bookstore! Yay. We had a great lunch and then both bought a new book.

After that we toured a bit – an ice cream and then a coffee. We figured we’d grab some Java and call a cab. When I asked the barista about a cab, she said it’s really easier here to just hitchhike, so we decided we would do that. But, before we had a chance a nice gent who was car camping his way around said he overheard and would be glad to drive us back across the island. Uh, OK! And so it goes. Such friendliness!

One thought on “Waiting The Rain, Heriot Bay

  1. Far out! You’re leading the hippie life now! Wandering down the road in the rain. Hitchhiking with strangers. Probably even listening to rock & roll. What next, tie-dye clothes? Peace and Love?

    If you have to hunker down you sure found a great place to do it. Wishing fair weather and winds arrive on the morrow. Enjoy the new books.

    Adventure on, adventure on hippie sailors…..

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