We’re In Port Angeles

OK, we’ve worked our way in the Strait and are now in Port Angeles which is about 11 miles across the Strait from Victoria.  At some point we’ll go across, but for now, we’re just blissfully resting!


It was a two day trip from Neah Bay.  We did a short leg, with some salmon fishing (we caught an Atlantic Salmon but it was too small so we dropped him) to Clallam Bay the first day.  It was only about 20 miles, but rained the last two hours, so we were really glad not to be out longer.  The docks were pretty funky, but we got in about 1600 and left early the next morning.


Today, 33 miles to Port Angeles.  Nice day, mostly sunny and very glad to get in a get a slip.  Now we can relax for a while.  Nice to be in a real marina with other sailboats instead of lots of fishing boats.


OK, so stay tuned!  We finally have some good internets and I’ll put pictures of our Honolulu to here passage.


And…now the NEW adventure starts!  Cruising the San Juans, Vancouver Island and maybe up the inland passage to Alaska.  Who knows, so keep watching!    Charisma’s not done yet – we’re just taking a break from a very long passage.



One thought on “We’re In Port Angeles

  1. Hooray! More adventures closer to shore. Looking forward to the stories here and photos on Facebook. Living the good life! Enjoy….

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