Motoring Through The Low

Position: 47 degrees, 05 minutes north; 134 degrees, 41 minutes west 125 nm day

Last night we entered the center of the low and ran out of wind.

Motoring through the center of the low...

...hard to believe it's so smooth and calm in the middle of the Pacific.


So, around 0330 I started the engine and we’ve been motoring since (it’s now about 2000). I expect we’ll motor another 12-24 hours if the weather stays true to the forecast. Then (again, if the forecast…) we should get some south winds to drive us into the BC area.

Today was a nice day for a change. The sun even cooperated for a few hours, so I had a chance to take a bath in the cockpit. Nice to get clean! Also nice to have a relatively flat sea/calm winds after the last days of squall, after squall, after squall, each bring high winds and often rain.

So, the plan here – hoping the weather holds as forecast – is to motor another day through the low and pick up some south winds on the other side. These are from a new low coming down from Alaska. It will likely bring some poor weather with it, so we’re racing to get in before it gets here. Cross fingers please!

4 thoughts on “Motoring Through The Low

  1. Fingers crossed.

    Happy (although probably not as happy as Ann) to hear you managed a bath. And that you had a nice day overall. Aren’t you glad you live in the Industrial Age and not the Age of Sail? Makes working your way around and through the weather a little easier to have the little huff ‘n puff in your back pocket, so to speak.

    Motor on, motor on sailors…..

  2. Fingers crossed! cant wait to find out what that was! I like the idea of a sub checking you out…but an exploding star is cool too! xxoo

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