SkooKumchuck Rapids

OK, I just like to say, “Skookumchuck!”

But other than that, it’s the biggest salt-water rapids in the world (according to our cruising guide).  After hiking 3 miles from the harbor at Egmont and seeing it in action, I believe it!

Eagle Cam! Ann at the Egmont Grocery Store.

We made a leisurely 12 mile run from Pender Harbor to Egmont timed to take advantage of tides and arrive at Egmont (less than a mile from Skookumchuck Rapids) at slack water.  The rapids have currents up to 14 knots and not knowing the area, I didn’t want to chance arriving and having to fight a vicious current.  Turns out it’s the narrowing of the inlet that really gets the rapids going and Egmont was not too bad.  Although coming in was not without it’s challenge.  There was only one small space at the dock.  As we approached I “judged” it big enough, but knew it would be close.  As we got closer and were pretty committed, it also turned out there was an eddy current that was pulling us in.  OK, I put us in hard reverse to cut the building speed, then forward slowly.  As the current pulled us toward to dock and it became more and more clear that this would be a VERY close fit, I put the bow in at about a 45 degree angle, then once close enough kicked in reverse.  Reversing strongly the stern pulls sideways (prop-walk) as well as slows us and we slid in with 12 inches to spare on the stern.  Ann’s eyes were getting large, but she was focused on stepping off and getting the bowline to the dock.  The bowsprit was just even with the motorboat in front as we stopped forward motion.  Whew!  We made a tight one, with inches to spare.

Next day, we enjoyed a lovely three mile hike down to the rapids.

Ah, Oh! Need to watch out for bears in this country. We just bought one bear spray. It's essentially a pepper spray. The can says to deploy it, "within, 12 feet". Yipes! I've seen bears cover 12 feet in the blink of an eye. Oh well, it' something and I don't want to carry a rifle.

Crazy six foot deep whirlpools and rapids. You could take Charisma through here during the half hour of slack water. But the rest of the time? No Bueno!!

This place made our anticipation of going through Malibu Rapids into Princess Louisa very strong!





One thought on “SkooKumchuck Rapids

  1. Skookumchuck: big ass water that tips canoes.

    It’s a good hint for all the places named Skookumchuck further north:)


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