This And That

A little catch up.

Ann got her tooth fixed.  That was Number One on the agenda.  We had visions of having to wait three weeks to do a crown, etc, etc.  But, hooray, the security guard at the Nanaimo Yacht Club had a dentist recommendation!  Ann called, got an appointment at 11:30 and came back to Charisma with a big, full smile.  A temporary filling to keep things together until we get back.  Whew!

NYC. A very nice spot. We highly recommend visiting Nanaimo Yacht Club. Nice folks, excellent facilities. We've had a very comfortable stay here.

OK, so the other thing about Nanaimo is seaplanes!  Actually everywhere in the PNW there are seaplanes, but the larger cities have LOTS of seaplanes.  When the wind is from the SE we are in the flight path.  Not so good when the first plane arrives at 0700 in the morning!

The wide angle lens doesn't do this justice. Sometimes you wonder if they are going to clear the mast!

Once we wake up and have a cup of coffee or two, it's pretty entertaining though.

And one more thought on why we like Canada.  REAL CUBAN RUM!!!

The real, deal. Anejo, aged 7 years. Oh, yeah.


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