Still In Clam Bay

Yup, just chillin’.

It’s nice here and John and Lisa (of sailing vessel Orcinius and on this trip, their new motor vessel, Figaro) are going to be in the area tomorrow on their way north, so we’re hanging here.  Tomorrow we will go around to the other side of this small island and meet them in Telegraph Harbor (still Thetis Island).  As John put it; “There’s a pub there!”  Then they are moving on a mission to get up to Alaska in the next couple weeks, whereas our mission for now is…very slow, so we can see all the sights.  After tomorrow we’ll go to Pirate Cove the next island north of here (DeCourcy Island) and spend a day or two hiking.  And so on.

So, without further delay, here’s todays EagleCam!

Today's Bald Eagle.

We had an amazing event that happened too fast to get on camera.  While we were eating lunch in the cockpit we heard a loud; “Whoooosh” almost overhead.  Jumping up we just caught two mature Bald Eagles locked in what looked to be a death grip, talon to talon and spinning down toward the water.  I thought for sure they were going to splash, but at the last possible second they let go and swooped away, talons just skimming the surface.  I don’t know if it was an argument over a piece of food – we didn’t see anything hit the water – or an aggression display, but it was breathtaking.   So that’s why we’re taking our time.  So much to see.

The edge of our little cove - you can just see the mountains across Georgia Straight on the mainland BC side.

One thought on “Still In Clam Bay

  1. An eagle fight, an eagle fight! Wow. So, let me know when you finally get board watching all the eagles. 🙂

    Great names of places up there – Clam Bay(are there any?), Telegraph Harbor (once upon a time they had one? can’t wait to hear the pub’s name.), Pirate Cove (did you bring one of those metal locator thingies? more cannons maybe?).

    Venture on, venture on sailors….

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