Shower Day!

Position: 27 degrees, 54 minutes north; 159 degrees, 45 minutes west 115 nm day

Still going slower than we’d like. Squally weather has kept us from optimal sail combinations. Like right now. There’s a huge squall just upwind and we have to furl the jib to keep it from tearing itself up as the squall gets to us with 30 knot winds. But in the meantime we’re sailing almost 30% slower than with the jib up – and we’ll stay that way for a while after the squall passes. The good news from Orcinius, who is upwind and ahead of us, is that there’s lighter wind, no squalls and more moderate seas ahead. Yay! Hopefully tomorrow we’ll be able to really get going.

The good news for today is the showers. Yes, after three-plus hot and humid days including getting drenched with salt water on the first day when I went forward to set the stays’l, we got to take showers today. Bliss. Feels so good to wash all the sticky salt, sweat and sunscreen off. And the bonus is that, while it’s still quite warm, it’s not as blazing hot, nor nearly as humid as it’s been in Hawaii. Going north has its advantages! The other good news is Ann cooked dinner! I think she noticed that after getting thrown around the galley trying to cook in the bouncy conditions I’ve become near suicidal about the cooking and she thankfully took over tonight’s chore. A really nice salad and a spiced chicken patty thingy. It was quite good. We agreed it tasted like a nice chicken sausage. Thank you Ann!

Now if the wind and seas would calm a bit, we could open the portholes and hatches and get some ventilation going in the cabin.

2 thoughts on “Shower Day!

  1. Better weather ahead, a wonderful companion, a good meal, AND a shower!! Things are definitely lookin’ gooooood.

    It does strike me, however, that so far you would have been better off making this sea voyage in a submarine. If I recall correctly, you might have been able to acquire a used one one in Hawaii from the USN. Not sure they’d let you have a big, comfy nuke boomer, but maybe they had an unused old diesel powered one just taking up space. Not sure how that would work approaching U.S. territorial water though.

    Hang on, hang on sailors……

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