It’s The Little Things

Position: 10 degrees, 41 minutes south; 148 degrees, 29 minutes west 145 nm day

On days like this where there’s not much to do it’s the little things that you remember. Today, when Ann handed up our chicken sandwiches (on the last of our French baguettes), the sandwich had a tiki-type umbrella in it. What a fun surprise. We got these umbrellas in our drinks somewhere in Mexico four years ago and have saved them. Fun to have them show up today.

Finally, the umbrellas we've been carrying since Mexico have been used!

Other than that, today has been pretty basic. Do your watch, sleep, eat, etc. The wind has eased a touch and I shook out the second reef. The wind has also gone east, so we have cracked off a bit. Still heading about due north, but now more like 70 degrees off the wind (and waves), so it’s a little more comfortable. We’re almost paralleling them instead of punching into them. I’ve opened the big hatch on top of the cabin for a little ventilation – I’m hoping we won’t see a rough wave dump over the cabin top, but it’s soooo hot and stuffy down below. These temps are ripening all the produce faster than we would hope, so we’re eating a lot of fruit and veggies before they go bad. Oh well – like I said last night, we have to have something to complain about.

Ann’s also cooking dinner tonight. What a treat. We were both hoping for fish as we’ve finally put a line out, but no joy. So we’re having tortilla soup. I can smell it cooking up here in the cockpit. You really start to crave spicy, salty stuff like that on a passage.

Beautiful sunset on the port side and moonrise on the starboard. Looks like a promising night!

How's this for a sunset!

3 thoughts on “It’s The Little Things

  1. Uneventful can be a good thing, especially when navigating the immense South Pacific Ocean. And you two have had so many “big” things in your adventures, a few “it’s the little things” is good, very good!
    So, here’s to the little things, because, after all a stress-free sail is a gift!

  2. Sitting in a dentist chair enjoying your Blog. No stress is good, I agree.

  3. It seems to me that you sailors have departed substantially from the traditional fare of maritime crews. I think the British navy established the proper shipboard culinary fare. I’m pretty sure there was no Mexican food, french baguettes, and probably not even chicken sandwiches.

    I agree, it’s the little things on an everyday basis that bring pleasure. And I second Cindy’s toast to many more of them on this voyage.

    It’s hot here as well. Plus 100s in the 680 corridor. 102 in Healdsburg yesterday.
    Ah, but the moon is really a delight.

    Sail on, sail on sailors…

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