New Racor

Today’s project, putting in a new diesel fuel filter – also known as “the Racor”, for the name of the manufacturer. A messy job and irritating. I bought the exact same model, but wouldn’t you know it, the inlet size has changed. Had to order special parts that won’t come in until tomorrow, meaning, we get to live with a very messy cabin until I can finish the project.

Yuck! The old one was full of crud.

The filter lives under the floor.

The new unit getting ready for installation.

4 thoughts on “New Racor

  1. Go to have back on the web, we miss following you. Sorry we didn’t get to catch up when you were in the Bay Area. So what’s the over all plan for the season?

    John and Diane
    S.V. Tabu Soro

  2. OK swabbies. Now your debt comes due for all the fun adventure sailor stuff.

    Or, as in pro sports, this is the time that, ultimately, makes for a great season. The grunt work. Boring, sweaty, dirty. Or, as in the Rolex 24 at Daytona. You slave for months to make sure every tiny bolt and running gear part is as perfect as can be so the dang thing holds together for 24 hours. And, if your lucky, you get the Rolex and the top podium stop.

    Or, as in the days of sailing ships ruling the seas, this is when wars are won and new worlds conquered. So get to it swabbies. Repair, organize, sand, paint, lube, stain, sew, caulk, heave, ho, rebuild, shine, swab, grease, refinish, refit, and whistle while you work. Or maybe sing a sea chanty or two.

    This isn’t the sailing glory, but there ain’t none unless the hard prep work gets done. So, work your butts off for the glory to come. Amen!

  3. Bob, I’m amazed. That ‘s not crud, it’s fossilised ante-deluvian stuff that the Smithsonian would, doubtless, pay you good money for. Some of those fossils will have many stories to tell! Best as ever, Jon

  4. Jon – Oh! Good thing I haven’t thrown the old one away yet! I’ll keep it in our pile of “spare parts that will never get used in our lifetimes”. Someday, when we’re back it will likely be worth millions!

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