1200 miles

Got up at 0630. Out the marina, coffee and granola bar in hand heading 6 miles away, for Vuda Point to check out. Success. Got in before anyone else and out by 1100 at which point there were four other boats in line waiting to get into the dock which only fits one at a time. The early entry paid off! Then headed south 18 miles to Momi Bay where where we’re anchored in 17 feet, just inside the barrier reef. Outside, the ocean awaits.

Charisma at Vuda Point waiting for Customs clearance.

Good bye Fiji!

Momi Bay at sunset

Now after Charismas and a nice steak dinner we’re just hanging, waiting for tomorrow when we sail through the reef (planning for 0800 departure)for 1200 miles to New Zealand. We’re planning 10 days, but there are some headwinds in the forecast for the later 1/3 of the trip, so who knows-but that’s kinda part of the adventure-not knowing exactly when…

We’ll post our progress each evening, so please join us. We’re looking forward to your thoughts and comments to keep us company along the way.

5 thoughts on “1200 miles

  1. Sad to see the Fiji Adventure come to a close. We have loved the stories and the pictures. When you two get back to the States you ought to seriously consider trying out for The Amazing Race. Steve and I think you’d be the best contestants and nail each of the challenges. Think about it! In the meantime, safe sailing. Hope the passage to NZ is smooth sailing. You are certainly prepared for it.

  2. Bon Voyage my friends. May the winds be at your back, the days gorgeous, the nights sparkling, and there be rum in your cup.

    Have an enchanting sailing adventure. Take care.

  3. OMG this again?! I feel like we just went through this with you, and then with us! We’re awaiting the next window and then will be out there with you. Be safe and good luck! Heather

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