Windy Day

Not much to talk about today.

It was windy. White caps in the anchorage with the threat of rain all day. We pretty much just hung around due to weather.

Ann did boat projects, I took the dinghy in to get some food (we’re pretty much out of fresh stuff) and we read books.

I made Bok Choy and eggplant over rice. We’re getting pretty good at the vegetarian dishes since most of the meat out here looks pretty marginal. We’ll do some fishing on the next leg and see if we can add some protein to our meal plan.

The wind should subside in a day or so and then we’re likely to head out to another island about 20 miles north of here for a while before starting to prepare for the trip back to NZ.

2 thoughts on “Windy Day

  1. Sounds like a blustery Fall snuggle-in-a-blanket and read/relax kind of day. Too bad you don’t have a fireplace. And a takeout/delivery Chinese restaurant option. Kinda like that here today, without the wind. And we can always order in pizza if we get low on food.

    Vegetables are good for you. For me, going mostly vegetarian is a good way to drop a few pounds without having to beat myself up with a lot of bothersome exercising. 🙂

    Stay comfy.

  2. I haven’t had time until today to catch up on your adventures. First of all , congratulations! I’d say that two years at sea is a lasting relationship.
    I really liked your picture history covering that period and your thoughts about the people you met along the way. I think we all get too wrapped up in the race here at home to enjoy the basic things. Have a safe voyage.

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