Fish On!

Position: 18 degrees, 37 minutes south; 179 degrees, 3 minutes west

Hooked this Walu right at sunset.










We’re about 60 miles out from Fulanga (it’s spelled many different ways, so use your imagination if your map is not exactly the same as ours). We had our Charismas with the sunset, which was beautiful. After the sun went down, Ann got on the radio for the nightly check-in when the fishing reel took off. I had a feeling we might get a hit after sunset, so I left the line out.

Turned out I was staring right at it when the fish hit. We got him in and filleted with no drama in time for dinner! It was a Spanish Mackerel which in this part of the world is delicious. Very mild, white meat. It kind of looks like a smallish Wahoo. People were just talking on the radio this morning about how they were hoping to catch one. It wasn’t a huge fish, but gave us enough large fillets for four meals plus chowder.

We gave the engine a work-out yesterday. We ran it all night for a total of about 20 hours. There was some leaking and it wasn’t clear exactly what it was or where it was coming from which produced some anxiety. Looked like oil but very thin. Didn’t smell like diesel. Puzzling. But I think we have it covered now. It seems to be from a leaking injector. I tightened it and the leak appears to have stopped. The oil-like color must have come from the drip gathering old oil on the engine on its way along the side and into the pan. Didn’t smell “diesel-like” but I’m guessing that’s because it was “cooked” on the way down the engine. Anyway, the engine oil (from the dipstick) looks good and the leak seems to have stopped so cross fingers we found it.

After all the motoring, we were able to shut off the engine this morning and sail all day. We were ahead of schedule so were able to sail along from about 0900 until this evening at about 2 knots in the light breeze. All in all it was a wonderful day. ! No clouds, gentle breeze, flat water and warm. It was one of the nicest days sailing we’ve had in quite a while

Now at 2000 the wind has almost completely quit. It’s a pond out here. The stars are reflecting on the mirror smooth water and we’re just floating along at about one knot. We’re going to have to start the engine again in a little while as we have about 60 miles to cover before morning, which is not going to happen with the minimal breeze we have.

One thought on “Fish On!

  1. Hi Guys! This is Sue Morgan, ex-editor of Lats & Atts. The magazine was killed by the new owners a year ago, but we (Bob & Jody plus most of the original staff), have regrouped with a new magazine called Cruising Outpost. I still have your feature boat article you wrote for L&A and we’d like to publish it in CO, but need an official resubmission from you to Cruising Outpost in order to do so. (Would also love some more cruising articles from you!) We’re shooting for the Fall issue (the new mag is quarterly) so need your permission in the next few weeks if possible. Thanks so much. Looks like you’re having a wonderful time cruising!

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