A Feast Of Friends

Oops, around the South Pacific that could have the wrong meaning.  Oh well, I think you’ll get my drift.

The other night we enjoyed meeting up with an old friend, catching up with newer friends and getting better acquainted with some even newer ones.  All in the space of a couple hours (after another long day of boatwork).

Richard, a friend from our time in Baja (we call him an “old friend” ’cause that now seems so long ago) sent an email that he was visiting New Zealand and would we be around.  “You bet!” was the obvious answer as we had so much fun with Richard and Cynthia from Tranquility while we were in La Paz.

The same day Richard was due, our newer friends Craig and Bruce from Gato Go who like Ann and me, sailed across the Pacific this last year and with whom we have happily crossed paths frequently were coming up from Aukland for the day and would we have time for a beer!  “Absolutely!”  We’ve had some great times with them on many islands between here and Mexico and haven’t seen them since early December.

Yet again at the same time we had already agreed to have a BBQ with some new friends, Charmagne and Michael who are formerly from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and have moved to New Zealand to start their adventure.  They are still working and saving for the big trip and for now are living on their boat and working toward the day when they “cut the docklines”.

What this all has in common is a great evening in which all of the above came together at the same time, serendipidously, on Charisma (and then down at the BBQ behind the boatyard).  We all shared some stories, a couple beers, some good food and a great (but a bit windy) BBQ.  Charmagne summed up the evening best when she said; “What a great time.  I needed that”.

So great to get to catch up with everyone.  That’s another one of the pleasures and joys of cruising. People you’ve met, people you meet and those who you are going to meet.  Many stories, a lot of “characters” and so much fun.

And Ann said my Chicken Teriaki was cooked perfectly.

One thought on “A Feast Of Friends

  1. Too much fun…and a wonderful perspective about past, present and future.

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